plant positive products videos

where farming isn't just our's our passion

BioWash 100 and BioWash 25 products provide remarkable demonstrated yield stimulating qualities in a variety of crops. Most producers would like a single product that would accomplish the lofty goal of high yields with very low costs. While that "silver bullet" has yet to be discovered BioWash 100 and BioWash 25 do produce significant yield increases for $5/acre. Learn more…

BioWash for Farming

biowash video

bio wash

"More Grain per Rain" is how we look at it when we add BioWash to our planting protocol because of the increased absorption of nutrients it affords.

Dodge Superbowl Ad

Paul harvey's

8th day dodge superbowl ad

A reminder of why we do what we do as farmers.

future video

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future video

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